
Hydrotherapy is great for treating patients with a wide range of conditions:

  • Orthopaedic Conditions – early mobilisation of joints with the support of water and decreased affect of gravity.
  1. Compacted fractures and stress fractures
  2. Post plaster mobilisations
  3. Dislocations
  4. Muscle and tendon injuries
  5. Joint reconstruction and arthroscopies
  6. Subacute sporting injuries
  • Spinal Conditions – may help prevent weakness or loss of mobility without any stress on the back.
  1. Acute back pain
  2. Disc injuries with referred pain
  3. Osteoporosis and crush fractures
  4. Chronic back pain and spinal stenosis
  5. Post laminectomies
  • Arthritic Conditions – exercising on land is often difficult due to pain, age, motivation, deformity and obesity. Water enables them to exercise with little stress on their joints.
  • Neurological Disorders – greater ease of handling patients without fear of them falling, to improve balance and coordination, to re-educate functional activities and patterns of movement, to improve their cardiovascular fitness and to enable the patients to be motivated and gain a sense of achievement.
  • Pregnant Patients– the effect of buoyancy helps relieve painful symptoms such as back pain or pubic symphysis problems. Suitable for antenatal classes or post-natal conditioning.
  • Aging Patients – can be taught to swim and given an exercise program suitable for their condition. This allows the patient to continue physical activity for fitness, rehabilitation and enjoyment.
  • Obesity- aquaerobic programs to increase fitness

Hydrotherapy has many benefits to patients including:

  1. Pain reduction
  2. Increase muscle tone and strength
  3. Decrease muscle spasm and guarding
  4. Decrease swelling and improve circulation
  5. Increase range of movement and flexibility
  6. Decrease weight bearing forces
  7. Facilitates head righting and balance reactions
  8. Improves coordination and movement initiation without the fear of falling
  9. Re-education of functional activities
  10. Improves fitness and endurance
  11. Relaxation
  12. Improves psychological well being and motivation

Sessions are held by appointment.

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